Copyright: Roman Koch · Nutzungsbestimmungen · Datenschutz
Naming Conventions for Visual Basic Scripts
Basic Principles
Compared to Visual Basic and VBA, VBScript is less restrictive in the way it deals with variables and constants. VBScript knows only one basic data type, the Variant, and you can easily use the same variable to store a number and then a string later on. You don't even need to declare your variables. Although this is great for prototyping, I have found that this makes script maintenance difficult, and can become the cause of program errors or strange program behaviours. Therefore, on top of my variable naming conventions, two basic principles always apply:
Enforce declarations. If a VBScript starts with Option Explicit statement, all variables and constants must be explicitly declared, or an error occurs. Option Explicit prevents you from lazy programming.
Never misuse variables. Once you have named a variable to be used for a specific data type, never misuse it for another data type. For example, if you have a variable named iClicks to count the number of clicks, never assign a string to it - even if you know that the variable is currently "unused".
Data Type Prefixes
By using data type prefixes, your variables always indicate what they are designed for. I'm using just six prefixes:
Prefix Data Types Example
b Boolean (true or false) bChecked = True
d Date/time dStartTime = Now
i All numeric data types
(Byte, Integer, Currency, Long, Single, Double) iTax = iPrice * 0.076
o Objects Set oFile = Nothing
s Strings sTitle = "Welcome!"
u User interface elements = "block"
Constants Prefix
I have found that I usually have only an handful of constants in my scripts. Indicating the data type therefore is less important for constants. I'm using the prefix letter c for all constants, e.g.
Const cTitle = "Welcome!"
uDocument.title = cTitle
Scope of Variables and Constants
Variables and constants can be declared on the script level, meaning they are available to all Sub and Function procedures in a script, or on the procedure level, meaning they are available only to the Sub or Function procedure that contains the declaration. In general, I try to avoid script- level declarations, as it makes long scripts difficult to read. Use script-level declarations only if you really need a variable or constant in multiple procedures - don't do it just to save memory.
For script-level variables and constants, I just double the prefix. sTitle is a procedure-level string variable, while ccPath is a script-level constant.
Best Practices
In addition to the basic principles and naming prefixes, the following best practices help me to avoid run-time errors and to keep my code easy to maintain:
Always pass variable by value. VBScript by default passes variables to functions and procedures by reference, and in most cases, this default is not what you would expect. By explicitly passing variables by value, you can avoid unexpected changes to your variables.
Function GetBetter (ByVal iNumber)
iNumber = iNumber + 1
GetBetter = iNumber
End Function
iRating = 4
iNewRating = GetBetter(iRating)
Initialize variables. VB does not require you to initialize variables and usually behaves consistently when using an uninitialized variable. However, by explicitly initializing variables, I can later on remember how I wanted my script to work when I wrote it. Instead of
Dim iRecords
iRecords = iRecords + 1
I prefer to write
Dim iRecords
iRecords = 0
iRecords = iRecords + 1
Use conversion functions. For calculations, I rely on the VB subtype conversion functions to document my code. When processing numeric user input, the short and dangerous way of coding is
iRating = uRating.valueI prefer to write
If IsNumeric(uRating.value) Then
iRating = CInt(uRating.value)
End If
Use predefined constants. Many objects provide predefined constants for VB and VBA. The FileSystemObject for example provides constants that indicate the opening mode for files. Instead of
Set oLog = oFSO.OpenTextFile(Server.MapPath("log.txt"), 8, True)
I prefer to write
Const fsoForAppending = 8
Set oLog = oFSO.OpenTextFile(Server.MapPath("log.txt"), fsoForAppending, True)
Use short numeric variables for local counters only. Traditional programming uses short numeric variables, especially i and j, as a local buffer. Although they do not conform to my naming conventions, I still use them, but only for local (procedure-level) counters:
Dim i, j
For i = 0 to iRows - 1
For j = 0 to iCells - 1
uTable.rows(i).cells(j).innertext = ""
User Define Function
' Object pass karna jaroori hai
RegisterUserFunc "WebEdit","set", "mthd"
Browser("CASO Dashboard").Page("CASO Dashboard").WebEdit("WebEdit").set "copy"
Function mthd (obj, x)
Msgbox x
If x="copy" Then
Msgbox "Hi"
End If
' dim y
' y = obj.GetROProperty("value")
' Reporter.ReportEvent micDone, "previous value", y
' MySet=obj.Set(x)
End Function
UnRegisterUserFunc "WebEdit", "Set"
RegisterUserFunc "WebEdit","set", "mthd"
Browser("CASO Dashboard").Page("CASO Dashboard").WebEdit("WebEdit").set "copy"
Function mthd (obj, x)
Msgbox x
If x="copy" Then
Msgbox "Hi"
End If
' dim y
' y = obj.GetROProperty("value")
' Reporter.ReportEvent micDone, "previous value", y
' MySet=obj.Set(x)
End Function
UnRegisterUserFunc "WebEdit", "Set"
Adding a Quote in vbs
StringObjMth=ObjectName & "(" & Chr(34) & Method & Chr(34) & ")"
Chr(34) will give value , """ can be mislead.
Chr(34) will give value , """ can be mislead.
URL Encoding %20 means Space + means 2B
URL Encoding
(or: 'What are those "%20" codes in URLs?')
= Index DOT Html by Brian Wilson =
Main Index | Element Index | Element Tree | HTML Support History
RFC 1738 | Which characters must be encoded and why
How to URL encode characters | URL encode a character
Character Code Code
Points Points
(Hex) (Dec)
Dollar ("$") 24 36
Ampersand ("&") 26 38
Plus ("+") 2B 43
Comma (",") 2C 44
Forward slash/Virgule ("/") 2F 47
Colon (":") 3A 58
Semi-colon (";") 3B 59
Equals ("=") 3D 61
Question mark ("?") 3F 63
'At' symbol ("@") 40 64
Character Code Code Why encode?
Points Points
(Hex) (Dec)
Space 20 32 Significant sequences of spaces may be lost in some uses (especially multiple spaces)
Quotation marks 22 34 These characters are often used to delimit URLs in plain text.
'Less Than' symbol ("<") 3C 60
'Greater Than' symbol (">") 3E 62
'Pound' character ("#") 23 35 This is used in URLs to indicate where a fragment identifier (bookmarks/anchors in HTML) begins.
Percent character ("%") 25 37 This is used to URL encode/escape other characters, so it should itself also be encoded.
Misc. characters: Some systems can possibly modify these characters.
Left Curly Brace ("{") 7B 123
Right Curly Brace ("}") 7D 125
Vertical Bar/Pipe ("|") 7C 124
Backslash ("\") 5C 92
Caret ("^") 5E 94
Tilde ("~") 7E 126
Left Square Bracket ("[") 5B 91
Right Square Bracket ("]") 5D 93
Grave Accent ("`") 60 96
RFC 1738: Uniform Resource Locators (URL) specification
The specification for URLs (RFC 1738, Dec. '94) poses a problem, in that it limits the use of allowed characters in URLs to only a limited subset of the US-ASCII character set:
"...Only alphanumerics [0-9a-zA-Z], the special characters "$-_.+!*'()," [not including the quotes - ed], and reserved characters used for their reserved purposes may be used unencoded within a URL."
HTML, on the other hand, allows the entire range of the ISO-8859-1 (ISO-Latin) character set to be used in documents - and HTML4 expands the allowable range to include all of the Unicode character set as well. In the case of non-ISO-8859-1 characters (characters above FF hex/255 decimal in the Unicode set), they just can not be used in URLs, because there is no safe way to specify character set information in the URL content yet [RFC2396.]
URLs should be encoded everywhere in an HTML document that a URL is referenced to import an object (A, APPLET, AREA, BASE, BGSOUND, BODY, EMBED, FORM, FRAME, IFRAME, ILAYER, IMG, ISINDEX, INPUT, LAYER, LINK, OBJECT, SCRIPT, SOUND, TABLE, TD, TH, and TR elements.)
What characters need to be encoded and why?
ASCII Control characters
Why: These characters are not printable.
Characters: Includes the ISO-8859-1 (ISO-Latin) character ranges 00-1F hex (0-31 decimal) and 7F (127 decimal.)
Non-ASCII characters
Why: These are by definition not legal in URLs since they are not in the ASCII set.
Characters: Includes the entire "top half" of the ISO-Latin set 80-FF hex (128-255 decimal.)
"Reserved characters"
Why: URLs use some characters for special use in defining their syntax. When these characters are not used in their special role inside a URL, they need to be encoded.
Characters: Character Code
(Hex) Code
Dollar ("$")
Ampersand ("&")
Plus ("+")
Comma (",")
Forward slash/Virgule ("/")
Colon (":")
Semi-colon (";")
Equals ("=")
Question mark ("?")
'At' symbol ("@")
40 36
"Unsafe characters"
Why: Some characters present the possibility of being misunderstood within URLs for various reasons. These characters should also always be encoded.
Characters: Character Code
(Hex) Code
(Dec) Why encode?
Space 20 32 Significant sequences of spaces may be lost in some uses (especially multiple spaces)
Quotation marks
'Less Than' symbol ("<")
'Greater Than' symbol (">") 22
3E 34
62 These characters are often used to delimit URLs in plain text.
'Pound' character ("#") 23 35 This is used in URLs to indicate where a fragment identifier (bookmarks/anchors in HTML) begins.
Percent character ("%") 25 37 This is used to URL encode/escape other characters, so it should itself also be encoded.
Misc. characters:
Left Curly Brace ("{")
Right Curly Brace ("}")
Vertical Bar/Pipe ("|")
Backslash ("\")
Caret ("^")
Tilde ("~")
Left Square Bracket ("[")
Right Square Bracket ("]")
Grave Accent ("`")
96 Some systems can possibly modify these characters.
How are characters URL encoded?
URL encoding of a character consists of a "%" symbol, followed by the two-digit hexadecimal representation (case-insensitive) of the ISO-Latin code point for the character.
Space = decimal code point 32 in the ISO-Latin set.
32 decimal = 20 in hexadecimal
The URL encoded representation will be "%20"
URL encoding converter
The box below allows you to convert content between its unencoded and encoded forms. The initial input state is considered to be "unencoded" (hit 'Convert' at the beginning to start in the encoded state.) Further, to allow actual URLs to be encoded, this little converter does not encode URL syntax characters (the ";", "/", "?", ":", "@", "=", "#" and "&" characters)...if you also need to encode these characters for any reason, see the "Reserved characters" table above for the appropriate encoded values.
This converter uses the String.charCodeAt and String.fromCharCode functions, which are only available in Javascript version 1.2 or better, so it doesn't work in Opera 3.x and below, Netscape 3 and below, and IE 3 and below. Browser detection can be tiresome, so this will just fail in those have been warned. 8-}
Encoding URL-Safe
Browser Peculiarities
Internet Explorer is notoriously relaxed in its requirements for encoding spaces in URLs. This tends to contribute to author sloppiness in authoring URLs. Keep in mind that Netscape and Opera are much more strict on this point, and spaces MUST be encoded if the URL is to be considered to be correct.
(or: 'What are those "%20" codes in URLs?')
= Index DOT Html by Brian Wilson =
Main Index | Element Index | Element Tree | HTML Support History
RFC 1738 | Which characters must be encoded and why
How to URL encode characters | URL encode a character
Character Code Code
Points Points
(Hex) (Dec)
Dollar ("$") 24 36
Ampersand ("&") 26 38
Plus ("+") 2B 43
Comma (",") 2C 44
Forward slash/Virgule ("/") 2F 47
Colon (":") 3A 58
Semi-colon (";") 3B 59
Equals ("=") 3D 61
Question mark ("?") 3F 63
'At' symbol ("@") 40 64
Character Code Code Why encode?
Points Points
(Hex) (Dec)
Space 20 32 Significant sequences of spaces may be lost in some uses (especially multiple spaces)
Quotation marks 22 34 These characters are often used to delimit URLs in plain text.
'Less Than' symbol ("<") 3C 60
'Greater Than' symbol (">") 3E 62
'Pound' character ("#") 23 35 This is used in URLs to indicate where a fragment identifier (bookmarks/anchors in HTML) begins.
Percent character ("%") 25 37 This is used to URL encode/escape other characters, so it should itself also be encoded.
Misc. characters: Some systems can possibly modify these characters.
Left Curly Brace ("{") 7B 123
Right Curly Brace ("}") 7D 125
Vertical Bar/Pipe ("|") 7C 124
Backslash ("\") 5C 92
Caret ("^") 5E 94
Tilde ("~") 7E 126
Left Square Bracket ("[") 5B 91
Right Square Bracket ("]") 5D 93
Grave Accent ("`") 60 96
RFC 1738: Uniform Resource Locators (URL) specification
The specification for URLs (RFC 1738, Dec. '94) poses a problem, in that it limits the use of allowed characters in URLs to only a limited subset of the US-ASCII character set:
"...Only alphanumerics [0-9a-zA-Z], the special characters "$-_.+!*'()," [not including the quotes - ed], and reserved characters used for their reserved purposes may be used unencoded within a URL."
HTML, on the other hand, allows the entire range of the ISO-8859-1 (ISO-Latin) character set to be used in documents - and HTML4 expands the allowable range to include all of the Unicode character set as well. In the case of non-ISO-8859-1 characters (characters above FF hex/255 decimal in the Unicode set), they just can not be used in URLs, because there is no safe way to specify character set information in the URL content yet [RFC2396.]
URLs should be encoded everywhere in an HTML document that a URL is referenced to import an object (A, APPLET, AREA, BASE, BGSOUND, BODY, EMBED, FORM, FRAME, IFRAME, ILAYER, IMG, ISINDEX, INPUT, LAYER, LINK, OBJECT, SCRIPT, SOUND, TABLE, TD, TH, and TR elements.)
What characters need to be encoded and why?
ASCII Control characters
Why: These characters are not printable.
Characters: Includes the ISO-8859-1 (ISO-Latin) character ranges 00-1F hex (0-31 decimal) and 7F (127 decimal.)
Non-ASCII characters
Why: These are by definition not legal in URLs since they are not in the ASCII set.
Characters: Includes the entire "top half" of the ISO-Latin set 80-FF hex (128-255 decimal.)
"Reserved characters"
Why: URLs use some characters for special use in defining their syntax. When these characters are not used in their special role inside a URL, they need to be encoded.
Characters: Character Code
(Hex) Code
Dollar ("$")
Ampersand ("&")
Plus ("+")
Comma (",")
Forward slash/Virgule ("/")
Colon (":")
Semi-colon (";")
Equals ("=")
Question mark ("?")
'At' symbol ("@")
40 36
"Unsafe characters"
Why: Some characters present the possibility of being misunderstood within URLs for various reasons. These characters should also always be encoded.
Characters: Character Code
(Hex) Code
(Dec) Why encode?
Space 20 32 Significant sequences of spaces may be lost in some uses (especially multiple spaces)
Quotation marks
'Less Than' symbol ("<")
'Greater Than' symbol (">") 22
3E 34
62 These characters are often used to delimit URLs in plain text.
'Pound' character ("#") 23 35 This is used in URLs to indicate where a fragment identifier (bookmarks/anchors in HTML) begins.
Percent character ("%") 25 37 This is used to URL encode/escape other characters, so it should itself also be encoded.
Misc. characters:
Left Curly Brace ("{")
Right Curly Brace ("}")
Vertical Bar/Pipe ("|")
Backslash ("\")
Caret ("^")
Tilde ("~")
Left Square Bracket ("[")
Right Square Bracket ("]")
Grave Accent ("`")
96 Some systems can possibly modify these characters.
How are characters URL encoded?
URL encoding of a character consists of a "%" symbol, followed by the two-digit hexadecimal representation (case-insensitive) of the ISO-Latin code point for the character.
Space = decimal code point 32 in the ISO-Latin set.
32 decimal = 20 in hexadecimal
The URL encoded representation will be "%20"
URL encoding converter
The box below allows you to convert content between its unencoded and encoded forms. The initial input state is considered to be "unencoded" (hit 'Convert' at the beginning to start in the encoded state.) Further, to allow actual URLs to be encoded, this little converter does not encode URL syntax characters (the ";", "/", "?", ":", "@", "=", "#" and "&" characters)...if you also need to encode these characters for any reason, see the "Reserved characters" table above for the appropriate encoded values.
This converter uses the String.charCodeAt and String.fromCharCode functions, which are only available in Javascript version 1.2 or better, so it doesn't work in Opera 3.x and below, Netscape 3 and below, and IE 3 and below. Browser detection can be tiresome, so this will just fail in those have been warned. 8-}
Encoding URL-Safe
Browser Peculiarities
Internet Explorer is notoriously relaxed in its requirements for encoding spaces in URLs. This tends to contribute to author sloppiness in authoring URLs. Keep in mind that Netscape and Opera are much more strict on this point, and spaces MUST be encoded if the URL is to be considered to be correct.
C# - Database connection (SQLSERVER) by c sharp function
using System.Data;
using System.Data.SqlClient;
using System.Data.SqlTypes;
protected void DBConnect()
System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection conn =
new System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection();
conn.ConnectionString = "Data Source=THOKR02-XP;Initial Catalog=OnDemand;Integrated Security=True";
SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand("SELECT [TestSuite_Name] FROM [OnDemand].[dbo].[TestSuites]", conn);
SqlDataReader reader = command.ExecuteReader();
while (reader.Read())
//TextBox2.Text = (String)reader[0];
using System.Data;
using System.Data.SqlClient;
using System.Data.SqlTypes;
protected void DBConnect()
System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection conn =
new System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection();
conn.ConnectionString = "Data Source=THOKR02-XP;Initial Catalog=OnDemand;Integrated Security=True";
SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand("SELECT [TestSuite_Name] FROM [OnDemand].[dbo].[TestSuites]", conn);
SqlDataReader reader = command.ExecuteReader();
while (reader.Read())
//TextBox2.Text = (String)reader[0];
STAF - Installation on Linux Machine
STAF - Installation on Linux Machine
STEP 1: Software Installation
All the required software are
1. apache-tomcat-6.0.20.tar.gz
2. jre-6u16-linux-i586.bin
3. STAF335-linux.tar.gz
Software: STAF335-linux.tar.gz
Unzip and untar it at the location where you want to install:
gunzip –d STAF335-linux.tar.gz
tar xvf STAF335-linux.tar
Now, navigate to Staf directory and run below command
./STAFInst –acceptlincense -acceptlicense
Once you run the above command, files will get generated in the Staf home directory (By default it will be /usr/local/staf).
Make sure that and files got created.
Note: If you do not get these files, you cannot move on with the installation.
Now run the below command from the Staf home directory.
chmod a+x
. ./STAFEnv
Now run the below command from the Staf home directory.
chmod a+x
You should get “nohup: appending output to `nohup.out'” as response.
PONG should be your response.
NOTE: To let other machines to ping your machine, give the trust level to other machines in “staf .cfg” file.
Find the sample staf .cfg file attached.
# Turn on tracing of internal errors and deprecated options
trace enable tracepoints "error deprecated"
# Enable TCP/IP connections
#interface ssl library STAFTCP option Secure=Yes option Port=6550
interface tcp library STAFTCP option Secure=No option Port=6500
# Set default local trust
trust machine local://local level 5
# Add default service loader
serviceloader library STAFDSLS
Once you are done with above step, run the below command
./etc/init.d/iptables stop
The above command will let other machines to connect to your machine without any problem
" you can ping now windows and linux machine added in trusted list"
STEP 1: Software Installation
All the required software are
1. apache-tomcat-6.0.20.tar.gz
2. jre-6u16-linux-i586.bin
3. STAF335-linux.tar.gz
Software: STAF335-linux.tar.gz
Unzip and untar it at the location where you want to install:
gunzip –d STAF335-linux.tar.gz
tar xvf STAF335-linux.tar
Now, navigate to Staf directory and run below command
./STAFInst –acceptlincense -acceptlicense
Once you run the above command, files will get generated in the Staf home directory (By default it will be /usr/local/staf).
Make sure that and files got created.
Note: If you do not get these files, you cannot move on with the installation.
Now run the below command from the Staf home directory.
chmod a+x
. ./STAFEnv
Now run the below command from the Staf home directory.
chmod a+x
You should get “nohup: appending output to `nohup.out'” as response.
PONG should be your response.
NOTE: To let other machines to ping your machine, give the trust level to other machines in “staf .cfg” file.
Find the sample staf .cfg file attached.
# Turn on tracing of internal errors and deprecated options
trace enable tracepoints "error deprecated"
# Enable TCP/IP connections
#interface ssl library STAFTCP option Secure=Yes option Port=6550
interface tcp library STAFTCP option Secure=No option Port=6500
# Set default local trust
trust machine local://local level 5
# Add default service loader
serviceloader library STAFDSLS
Once you are done with above step, run the below command
./etc/init.d/iptables stop
The above command will let other machines to connect to your machine without any problem
" you can ping now windows and linux machine added in trusted list"
Web devlopment .aspx page creation.
1. Install VS WebDevloper Express from Microsoft
2. OPen VS and select new project with .asp extension
3. Connect database by Go in Design Panel
Database Explorer
Connect to Database ( any kind)
4. big the DIV tag panel (for object Accomodation)
5. Create a drop down to get value of colum in table
add Dropdown list from the Standar (toolbox ) inleft Panel
Click on newly added Object and Select Data source
Click on databases
check the connect string like Data Source=THOKR02-XP;Initial Catalog=OnDemand;Integrated Security=True
The specify Query
chose Where clause and Source is Control (actualy that Object)
Click on advance " Generate Insert update Delete
Go in Design Panel
Select Form View
Edit template
Go in Design Panel
Select Validation ( like see not more than 15 Char)
Select Required field and drag and drop agains the row in form where we want to validate.
Now run sample Application ....
see ASP.NET Devlopment Server runs ASP.NET application locally Dilaoge box ...
gives URL
Port : 1749
Virtual Path : /WebSite1
and Physical Path: C:\My Documents\Visual Studio 2008\WebSites\WebSite1\
2. OPen VS and select new project with .asp extension
3. Connect database by Go in Design Panel
Database Explorer
Connect to Database ( any kind)
4. big the DIV tag panel (for object Accomodation)
5. Create a drop down to get value of colum in table
add Dropdown list from the Standar (toolbox ) inleft Panel
Click on newly added Object and Select Data source
Click on databases
check the connect string like Data Source=THOKR02-XP;Initial Catalog=OnDemand;Integrated Security=True
The specify Query
chose Where clause and Source is Control (actualy that Object)
Click on advance " Generate Insert update Delete
Go in Design Panel
Select Form View
Edit template
Go in Design Panel
Select Validation ( like see not more than 15 Char)
Select Required field and drag and drop agains the row in form where we want to validate.
Now run sample Application ....
see ASP.NET Devlopment Server runs ASP.NET application locally Dilaoge box ...
gives URL
Port : 1749
Virtual Path : /WebSite1
and Physical Path: C:\My Documents\Visual Studio 2008\WebSites\WebSite1\
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