1. Install VS WebDevloper Express from Microsoft
2. OPen VS and select new project with .asp extension
3. Connect database by Go in Design Panel
Database Explorer
Connect to Database ( any kind)
4. big the DIV tag panel (for object Accomodation)
5. Create a drop down to get value of colum in table
add Dropdown list from the Standar (toolbox ) inleft Panel
Click on newly added Object and Select Data source
Click on databases
check the connect string like Data Source=THOKR02-XP;Initial Catalog=OnDemand;Integrated Security=True
The specify Query
chose Where clause and Source is Control (actualy that Object)
Click on advance " Generate Insert update Delete
Go in Design Panel
Select Form View
Edit template
Go in Design Panel
Select Validation ( like see not more than 15 Char)
Select Required field and drag and drop agains the row in form where we want to validate.
Now run sample Application ....
see ASP.NET Devlopment Server runs ASP.NET application locally Dilaoge box ...
gives URL
Port : 1749
Virtual Path : /WebSite1
and Physical Path: C:\My Documents\Visual Studio 2008\WebSites\WebSite1\