

Capture Error Screen Shots
If error pop up comes during execution then how will you capture the error screen shot and where it is stored?
Latest Answer: Use Desktop.CaptureBitmap to capture the screenshotSample codeDesktop.CaptureBitmap "C:TempStep1.png" ...

Based of Ordinal Identifiers
When ordinal identifiers alone can make an object unique then why they are not given top priority? Why it is first mandatory and next assitive. Why we cannot go for ordinal identifiers directly?
I belive Location and Index will be recognized based on screen co-ordinates. So when you run the same script on different location and index my differ. At the same time if the object are having the child objects it will give the sam location id. So when you run the script it may get fail some times.

Connect QTP with QC
OTAClient.dll should register
1. Go to Start -> Run.
2. Enter regedit to bring up your registry.
3. Navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Mercury Interactive\OTA

4. Check the value of CacheFolder ,by default it is %temp%\TD_80 .Access the Cache location , right click and check the permissions .The folder should have full permissions .

5.Also try creating a new folder and edit the CacheFolder location to it .

so after you have point the new folder to the cache folder do the following steps

Start > Run
regsvr32 -u "C:\Program Files\Common Files\Mercury Interactive\Quality Center\OTAClient.dll"
regsvr32 "C:\Program Files\Common Files\Mercury Interactive\Quality Center\OTAClient.dll"

QTP Regular Expression
What is the significance of regular expression in QTP?

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