Ya so as promised the next post will be to create a basic framework on Automation for selenium. Please go thru the past two selenium post of blog before starting this post.
Framework is like the three following steps:
Driver : Testng.xml which will say which testcase need to run by enabled="true" property.
Testcases : These are the class file which will call the library function on demand.
The parameter it will take from Testng.xml to run them.
Library: Resusable function which will be invoked by the testcases and perform task or return the value.
Agree like other component like e-maling , reporting , exception handling etc should be added but as of now this basic architecture is suffice to embark our automation stuff.
Step by step framework designing
Part A : Create a basic Structure of test framework in Eclipse
Step 1:Make sure you have done installation of eclipse.
Step 2:Open eclipse and create a Java project ( eg ODP_main_automation)
Step 3:Right Click on project and go in properties and select java Build path to Add JRE of selenium testng mail etc
Step 4:Click on add external JRE and select testng-5.12.1.jar , selenium-server.jar,selenium-java-client-driver.jar,mail.jar and xmlwriter-2.0.jar ( this is javamail jre search on google for all this) and click on OK
Step 5:Create a pakage under Src folder (eg com.ca.ODP.Test )- FOr test Script
Step 6:Create another package undre same src folder (eg com.ca.ODP.utils) - For Library.
Step7: Create a BaseTests.Java class under pakage in step 5 (com.ca.ODP.Test )
Step8: Create a CreateTest.java class under pakage in step 5 (com.ca.ODP.Test )
Step9: Step8: Create a LoginTests.java class under pakage in step 5 (com.ca.ODP.Test )
Step10: Create a testng.xml undre under pakage in step 5 (com.ca.ODP.Test )
Now if u right click on this and go on run as u see that u are not getting option to 'RUN as TESTNG' so we need to make test which can run as testng
Step11: Go in windows > network host, here select network connection and check all http etc
Step 12 : click on help > Install new software and provide url http://beust.com/eclipse (dat of this post is 25 AUg-2010 so if u r seeing it much later than possible things went change so search on google that how to install TestNG with Eclipse)
Step 13: select version of testng and Click next ... it will install testng for that project. Restart Eclipse.
Now if u right click on this and go on run as u see that u are STILL STILL not getting option to 'RUN as TESTNG' so we need to make test which can run as testng
the reason is testng.xml is blank :-)
Step 14:
Double click on testng.xml and paste the following content we will discuss later about it . please replace ^ with <>
^suite name="ODP">
^parameter name="build" value="QA Build"/>
^parameter name="failureImagesPath" value="./logs"/>
^parameter name="url" value="http://rwcrh8.ca.com"/>
^parameter name="port" value="8080"/>
^parameter name="super_username" value="test@ca.com"/>
^parameter name="super_password" value="test"/>
^parameter name="service_username" value="shukr02@ca.com"/>
^parameter name="service_password" value="niku"/>
^parameter name="companyName" value="ca1"/>
^!-- Parameters to Automated test results Mail BEGIN -->
^parameter name="mail_smtpHost" value="mail.ca.com"/>
^parameter name="mail_from" value="Automation@aquila.ca.com"/>
^parameter name="mail_to" value="choba02@ca.com"/>
^parameter name="mail_subject" value="Automated Test Report -Aquila"/>
^parameter name="mail_body" value="this is automated test report"/>
^parameter name="mail_send_mail" value="false"/>
^!-- Parameters to Automated test results Mail END -->
^!-- test verbose="2" name="SDM Configure" annotations="JDK" enabled="true">
^parameter name="testcase" value="TCID125"/>
^parameter name="username" value="ODPadmin"/>
^parameter name="password" value="aquila"/>
^parameter name="sdmName" value="Service Desk"/>
^parameter name="wsdlUrl" value="http://itc-desra02022:8080/axis/services/USD_R11_WebService"/>
^parameter name="baseUrl" value="http://itc-desra02022:8080/"/>
^parameter name="sdmUser" value="ServiceDesk"/>
^parameter name="sdmPass" value="interOP@123"/>
^include name="TCID125"/>
^class name="com.ca.ODP.tests.SDTests" />
^test verbose="2" name="Login104" annotations="JDK" enabled="true">
^parameter name="testcase" value="TCID104"/>
^parameter name="wPassword" value="wrongpassword"/>
^!-- L002 Invalid password. -->
^include name="TestCase104"/>
^class name="com.ca.ODP.Test.LoginTests" />
^test verbose="2" name="LoginSuperAdmin_TCID100" annotations="JDK" enabled="true">
^parameter name="testcase" value="TCID100"/>
^!-- L002 Invalid password. -->
^include name="TestCase100"/>
^class name="com.ca.ODP.Test.LoginTests" />
^test verbose="2" name="LoginServiceAdmin_TCID101" annotations="JDK" enabled="true">
^parameter name="testcase" value="TCID101"/>
^!-- L002 Invalid password. -->
^include name="TestCase101"/>
^class name="com.ca.ODP.Test.LoginTests" />
^test verbose="2" name="LogintenantAdmin_TCID102" annotations="JDK" enabled="true">
^parameter name="testcase" value="TCID102"/>
^parameter name="tenant_username" value="admin@dell.com"/>
^parameter name="tenant_password" value="test"/>
^!-- L002 Invalid password. -->
^include name="TestCase102"/>
^class name="com.ca.ODP.Test.LoginTests" />
^test verbose="2" name="LoginOrgUser_TCID103" annotations="JDK" enabled="true">
^parameter name="testcase" value="TCID103"/>
^parameter name="org_username" value="user@dell.com"/>
^parameter name="org_password" value="test"/>
^!-- L002 Invalid password. -->
^include name="TestCase103"/>
^class name="com.ca.ODP.Test.LoginTests" />
^test verbose="2" name="CreatUser_TCID105" annotations="JDK" enabled="true">
^parameter name="testcase" value="TCID105"/>
^parameter name="org_user_email" value="Orgusr@ca.com"/>
^parameter name="org_user_password" value="test"/>
^parameter name="org_user_fname" value="Fname"/>
^parameter name="org_user_lname" value="Lname"/>
^!-- L002 Invalid password. -->
^include name="TestCase105"/>
^class name="com.ca.ODP.Test.CreateTest" />
^test verbose="2" name="CreatOrgnization_TCID106" annotations="JDK" enabled="true">
^parameter name="testcase" value="TCID106"/>
^parameter name="org_name" value="Computer Associates"/>
^!-- L002 Invalid password. -->
^include name="TestCase106"/>
^class name="com.ca.ODP.Test.CreateTest" />
^test verbose="2" name="assignUsertoOrg_TCID107" annotations="JDK" enabled="true">
^parameter name="testcase" value="TCID107"/>
^parameter name="org_name" value="Computer Associates"/>
^!-- L002 Invalid password. -->
^include name="TestCase107"/>
^class name="com.ca.ODP.Test.CreateTest" />
Now if u right click on this and go on run as u see that u are getting option to 'RUN as TESTNG'
Step16: Create a Base64.Java class under pakage in step 6 (com.ca.ODP.utils)
Step17: Create a GenericFunction.java class under pakage in step 6 (com.ca.ODP.utils)
Step18: Step8: Create a Globals.java class under pakage in step 6 (com.ca.ODP.utils)
Step19: Step8: Create a LoginUtil.java class under pakage in step 6 (com.ca.ODP.utils )
Step20: Step8: Create a UserUtil.java class under pakage in step 6 (com.ca.ODP.utils )
So now our basic Structure Done
PART B : Creating the test and library code for simple login utility
we will build all testcase what i did in my project
Step 1: Start the Selenium server
go to command prompt > go to path where selenium-server.jar reside
eg cd C:\silenuim\selenium-server-1.0.3
provide command java -jar selenium-server.jar and enter
{if you are new please read the http://seleniumhq.org/docs/05_selenium_rc.html first it will help , It may be bouncer first but it will help later.}
check your server start , if not chk java is there , if it is there shout F1 F1 ;-)
Step 2:
Now just copy paste all the code .... hmmm
File 1: BaseTest.java
package com.ca.ODP.Test;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.IOException;
import org.testng.annotations.AfterSuite;
import org.testng.annotations.BeforeSuite;
import org.testng.annotations.Parameters;
//import com.ca.ODP.utils.Globals_old;
//import com.ca.frontoffice.utils.OnboardingUtil;
//import com.ca.frontoffice.utils.common.EmailUtil;
//import com.ca.ODP.utils.common.EmailUtil;
import com.ca.ODP.utils.Globals;
import com.thoughtworks.selenium.*;
public class BaseTests {
@BeforeSuite (alwaysRun=true)
protected void doSetup(){
Globals.selenium = new DefaultSelenium("localhost", 4444, "*iexplore","https://rwcrh8.ca.com/");
//google code should like this
/*Globals.selenium = new DefaultSelenium("localhost", 4444, "*firefox","http://google.co.uk/");
Globals.selenium.click("css=#gb_2 > span.gbts");
Globals.selenium.type("id=lst-ib", "hi");
Globals.selenium.keyPress("id=lst-ib", "13");
while(Globals.selenium.isElementPresent("Id=overridelink")!= false)
System.out.println("It is not safe to continue link found");
@AfterSuite (alwaysRun=true)
protected void doTearDown(){
System.out.println("Completed execution of test suite");
File 2: CreateTest.java
package com.ca.ODP.Test;
import org.testng.Reporter;
import org.testng.annotations.Parameters;
import org.testng.annotations.Test;
import com.ca.ODP.Test.BaseTests;
import com.ca.ODP.utils.Globals;
import com.ca.ODP.utils.LoginUtil;
import com.ca.ODP.utils.UserUtil;
public class CreateTest extends BaseTests {
@Parameters( {"org_user_email","org_user_password","org_user_fname","org_user_lname","super_username","super_password" })
@Test(groups = {"TestCase105"})
public void createOrgUser_TCID105(String org_user_email,String org_user_password,String org_user_fname,String org_user_lname,String super_username,String super_password) {
String orgUser;
//Reporter.log("Starting Invalid Password...");
LoginUtil.login(super_username, super_password);
orgUser= UserUtil.createOrgUser(org_user_email, org_user_password, org_user_fname, org_user_lname);
// Reporter.log("Ending Invalid Password.");
@Parameters( {"org_name","super_username","super_password" })
@Test(groups = {"TestCase106"})
public void createOrgnization_TCID106(String org_name,String super_username,String super_password) {
String orgname;
//Reporter.log("Starting Invalid Password...");
LoginUtil.login(super_username, super_password);
// Reporter.log("Ending Invalid Password.");
// @Parameters( {"org_user_email","org_user_password","org_user_fname","org_user_lname","super_username","super_password","org_name" })
// @Test(groups = {"TestCase107"})
// public void assignUsertoOrg_TCID107(String org_user_email,String org_user_password,String org_user_fname,String org_user_lname,String super_username,String super_password,String org_name){
// LoginUtil.logout();
// LoginUtil.login(super_username, super_password);
// UserUtil.createOrgUser(org_user_email, org_user_password, org_user_fname, org_user_lname);
// UserUtil.createOrg(org_name);
//// this.createOrgUser_TCID105(org_user_email, org_user_password, org_user_fname, org_user_lname, super_username, super_password);
//// this.createOrgnization_TCID106(org_name, super_username, super_password);
// }
@Parameters( {"super_username","super_password","org_name" })
@Test(groups = {"TestCase107"})
public void addUsertoOrg_TCID107(String super_username,String super_password,String org_name){
String orgname;
LoginUtil.login(super_username, super_password);
// this.createOrgUser_TCID105(org_user_email, org_user_password, org_user_fname, org_user_lname, super_username, super_password);
// this.createOrgnization_TCID106(org_name, super_username, super_password);
File 3 : LoginTest.java
package com.ca.ODP.Test;
import org.testng.Reporter;
import org.testng.annotations.Parameters;
import org.testng.annotations.Test;
import com.ca.ODP.Test.BaseTests;
import com.ca.ODP.utils.Globals;
import com.ca.ODP.utils.LoginUtil;
public class LoginTests extends BaseTests {
@Parameters( { "testcase", "super_username", "super_password", "wPassword" })
@Test(groups = {"TestCase104"})
public void CheckInvalidPassword_TCID104(String testcase,String super_username, String super_password,String wPassword) {
//Reporter.log("Starting Invalid Password...");
LoginUtil.checkInvalidLogin(super_username, wPassword);
// Reporter.log("Ending Invalid Password.");
@Parameters({"testcase", "super_username", "super_password",})
@Test(groups = {"TestCase100"})
public void Login_SuperAdmin_TCID100(String testcase,String super_username, String super_password) {
//Reporter.log("Starting Invalid Password...");
LoginUtil.login(super_username, super_password);
// Reporter.log("Ending Invalid Password.");
@Parameters({"testcase", "service_username", "service_password",})
@Test(groups = {"TestCase101"})
public void Login_ServiceAdmin_TCID101(String testcase,String service_username, String service_password) {
//Reporter.log("Starting Invalid Password...");
LoginUtil.login(service_username, service_password);
// Reporter.log("Ending Invalid Password.");
@Parameters({"testcase", "tenant_username", "tenant_password",})
@Test(groups = {"TestCase102"})
public void Login_TenantAdmin_TCID102(String testcase,String tenant_username, String tenant_password) {
//Reporter.log("Starting Invalid Password...");
LoginUtil.login(tenant_username, tenant_password);
// Reporter.log("Ending Invalid Password.");
@Parameters({"testcase", "org_username", "org_password",})
@Test(groups = {"TestCase103"})
public void Login_OrgUser_TCID103(String testcase,String org_username, String org_password) {
//Reporter.log("Starting Invalid Password...");
LoginUtil.login(org_username, org_password);
// Reporter.log("Ending Invalid Password.");
File 4: testng.xml. Please remove Double click on testng.xml and paste the following content we will discuss later about it . please replace ^ with < name="ODP">
' ^!DOCTYPE suite SYSTEM "http://testng.org/testng-1.0.dtd">
^suite name="ODP">
^parameter name="build" value="QA Build"/>
^parameter name="failureImagesPath" value="./logs"/>
^parameter name="url" value="http://rwcrh8.ca.com"/>
^parameter name="port" value="8080"/>
^parameter name="super_username" value="test@ca.com"/>
^parameter name="super_password" value="test"/>
^parameter name="service_username" value="shukr02@ca.com"/>
^parameter name="service_password" value="niku"/>
^parameter name="companyName" value="ca1"/>
^!-- Parameters to Automated test results Mail BEGIN -->
^parameter name="mail_smtpHost" value="mail.ca.com"/>
^parameter name="mail_from" value="Automation@aquila.ca.com"/>
^parameter name="mail_to" value="choba02@ca.com"/>
^parameter name="mail_subject" value="Automated Test Report -Aquila"/>
^parameter name="mail_body" value="this is automated test report"/>
^parameter name="mail_send_mail" value="false"/>
^!-- Parameters to Automated test results Mail END -->
^!-- test verbose="2" name="SDM Configure" annotations="JDK" enabled="true">
^parameter name="testcase" value="TCID125"/>
^parameter name="username" value="ODPadmin"/>
^parameter name="password" value="aquila"/>
^parameter name="sdmName" value="Service Desk"/>
^parameter name="wsdlUrl" value="http://itc-desra02022:8080/axis/services/USD_R11_WebService"/>
^parameter name="baseUrl" value="http://itc-desra02022:8080/"/>
^parameter name="sdmUser" value="ServiceDesk"/>
^parameter name="sdmPass" value="interOP@123"/>
^include name="TCID125"/>
^class name="com.ca.ODP.tests.SDTests" />
^test verbose="2" name="Login104" annotations="JDK" enabled="true">
^parameter name="testcase" value="TCID104"/>
^parameter name="wPassword" value="wrongpassword"/>
^!-- L002 Invalid password. -->
^include name="TestCase104"/>
^class name="com.ca.ODP.Test.LoginTests" />
^test verbose="2" name="LoginSuperAdmin_TCID100" annotations="JDK" enabled="true">
^parameter name="testcase" value="TCID100"/>
^!-- L002 Invalid password. -->
^include name="TestCase100"/>
^class name="com.ca.ODP.Test.LoginTests" />
^test verbose="2" name="LoginServiceAdmin_TCID101" annotations="JDK" enabled="true">
^parameter name="testcase" value="TCID101"/>
^!-- L002 Invalid password. -->
^include name="TestCase101"/>
^class name="com.ca.ODP.Test.LoginTests" />
^test verbose="2" name="LogintenantAdmin_TCID102" annotations="JDK" enabled="true">
^parameter name="testcase" value="TCID102"/>
^parameter name="tenant_username" value="admin@dell.com"/>
^parameter name="tenant_password" value="test"/>
^!-- L002 Invalid password. -->
^include name="TestCase102"/>
^class name="com.ca.ODP.Test.LoginTests" />
^test verbose="2" name="LoginOrgUser_TCID103" annotations="JDK" enabled="true">
^parameter name="testcase" value="TCID103"/>
^parameter name="org_username" value="user@dell.com"/>
^parameter name="org_password" value="test"/>
^!-- L002 Invalid password. -->
^include name="TestCase103"/>
^class name="com.ca.ODP.Test.LoginTests" />
^test verbose="2" name="CreatUser_TCID105" annotations="JDK" enabled="true">
^parameter name="testcase" value="TCID105"/>
^parameter name="org_user_email" value="Orgusr@ca.com"/>
^parameter name="org_user_password" value="test"/>
^parameter name="org_user_fname" value="Fname"/>
^parameter name="org_user_lname" value="Lname"/>
^!-- L002 Invalid password. -->
^include name="TestCase105"/>
^class name="com.ca.ODP.Test.CreateTest" />
^test verbose="2" name="CreatOrgnization_TCID106" annotations="JDK" enabled="true">
^parameter name="testcase" value="TCID106"/>
^parameter name="org_name" value="Computer Associates"/>
^!-- L002 Invalid password. -->
^include name="TestCase106"/>
^class name="com.ca.ODP.Test.CreateTest" />
^test verbose="2" name="assignUsertoOrg_TCID107" annotations="JDK" enabled="true">
^parameter name="testcase" value="TCID107"/>
^parameter name="org_name" value="Computer Associates"/>
^!-- L002 Invalid password. -->
^include name="TestCase107"/>
^class name="com.ca.ODP.Test.CreateTest" />
* Java Base64 - A pure Java library for reading and writing Base64
* encoded streams.
* Copyright (C) 2007-2009 Carlo Pelliccia (www.sauronsoftware.it)
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version
* 2.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License version 2.1 along with this program.
* If not, see.
package com.ca.ODP.utils;
import java.io.ByteArrayInputStream;
import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.FileInputStream;
import java.io.FileOutputStream;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.io.OutputStream;
import java.io.UnsupportedEncodingException;
* Base64 encoding and decoding utility methods, both for binary and textual
* informations.
* @author Carlo Pelliccia
* @since 1.1
* @version 1.3
public class Base64 {
* Encodes a string.
* Before the string is encoded in Base64, it is converted in a binary
* sequence using the system default charset.
* @param str
* The source string.
* @return The encoded string.
* @throws RuntimeException
* If an unexpected error occurs.
public static String encode(String str) throws RuntimeException {
byte[] bytes = str.getBytes();
byte[] encoded = encode(bytes);
try {
return new String(encoded, "ASCII");
} catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
throw new RuntimeException("ASCII is not supported!", e);
* Encodes a string.
* Before the string is encoded in Base64, it is converted in a binary
* sequence using the supplied charset.
* @param str
* The source string
* @param charset
* The charset name.
* @return The encoded string.
* @throws RuntimeException
* If an unexpected error occurs.
* @since 1.2
public static String encode(String str, String charset)
throws RuntimeException {
byte[] bytes;
try {
bytes = str.getBytes(charset);
} catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
throw new RuntimeException("Unsupported charset: " + charset, e);
byte[] encoded = encode(bytes);
try {
return new String(encoded, "ASCII");
} catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
throw new RuntimeException("ASCII is not supported!", e);
* Decodes the supplied string.
* The supplied string is decoded into a binary sequence, and then the
* sequence is encoded with the system default charset and returned.
* @param str
* The encoded string.
* @return The decoded string.
* @throws RuntimeException
* If an unexpected error occurs.
public static String decode(String str) throws RuntimeException {
byte[] bytes;
try {
bytes = str.getBytes("ASCII");
} catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
throw new RuntimeException("ASCII is not supported!", e);
byte[] decoded = decode(bytes);
return new String(decoded);
* Decodes the supplied string.
* The supplied string is decoded into a binary sequence, and then the
* sequence is encoded with the supplied charset and returned.
* @param str
* The encoded string.
* @param charset
* The charset name.
* @return The decoded string.
* @throws RuntimeException
* If an unexpected error occurs.
* @since 1.2
public static String decode(String str, String charset)
throws RuntimeException {
byte[] bytes;
try {
bytes = str.getBytes("ASCII");
} catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
throw new RuntimeException("ASCII is not supported!", e);
byte[] decoded = decode(bytes);
try {
return new String(decoded, charset);
} catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
throw new RuntimeException("Unsupported charset: " + charset, e);
* Encodes a binary sequence.
* If data are large, i.e. if you are working with large binary files,
* consider to use a {@link Base64OutputStream} instead of loading too much
* data in memory.
* @param bytes
* The source sequence.
* @return The encoded sequence.
* @throws RuntimeException
* If an unexpected error occurs.
* @since 1.2
public static byte[] encode(byte[] bytes) throws RuntimeException {
return encode(bytes, 0);
* Encodes a binary sequence, wrapping every encoded line every
* wrapAt characters. A wrapAt value less than 1 disables
* wrapping.
* If data are large, i.e. if you are working with large binary files,
* consider to use a {@link Base64OutputStream} instead of loading too much
* data in memory.
* @param bytes
* The source sequence.
* @param wrapAt
* The max line length for encoded data. If less than 1 no wrap
* is applied.
* @return The encoded sequence.
* @throws RuntimeException
* If an unexpected error occurs.
* @since 1.2
public static byte[] encode(byte[] bytes, int wrapAt)
throws RuntimeException {
ByteArrayInputStream inputStream = new ByteArrayInputStream(bytes);
ByteArrayOutputStream outputStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
try {
encode(inputStream, outputStream, wrapAt);
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new RuntimeException("Unexpected I/O error", e);
} finally {
try {
} catch (Throwable t) {
try {
} catch (Throwable t) {
return outputStream.toByteArray();
* Decodes a binary sequence.
* If data are large, i.e. if you are working with large binary files,
* consider to use a {@link Base64InputStream} instead of loading too much
* data in memory.
* @param bytes
* The encoded sequence.
* @return The decoded sequence.
* @throws RuntimeException
* If an unexpected error occurs.
* @since 1.2
public static byte[] decode(byte[] bytes) throws RuntimeException {
ByteArrayInputStream inputStream = new ByteArrayInputStream(bytes);
ByteArrayOutputStream outputStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
try {
decode(inputStream, outputStream);
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new RuntimeException("Unexpected I/O error", e);
} finally {
try {
} catch (Throwable t) {
try {
} catch (Throwable t) {
return outputStream.toByteArray();
* Encodes data from the given input stream and writes them in the given
* output stream.
* The supplied input stream is read until its end is reached, but it's not
* closed by this method.
* The supplied output stream is nor flushed neither closed by this method.
* @param inputStream
* The input stream.
* @param outputStream
* The output stream.
* @throws IOException
* If an I/O error occurs.
public static void encode(InputStream inputStream, OutputStream outputStream)
throws IOException {
encode(inputStream, outputStream, 0);
* Encodes data from the given input stream and writes them in the given
* output stream, wrapping every encoded line every wrapAt
* characters. A wrapAt value less than 1 disables wrapping.
* The supplied input stream is read until its end is reached, but it's not
* closed by this method.
* The supplied output stream is nor flushed neither closed by this method.
* @param inputStream
* The input stream from which clear data are read.
* @param outputStream
* The output stream in which encoded data are written.
* @param wrapAt
* The max line length for encoded data. If less than 1 no wrap
* is applied.
* @throws IOException
* If an I/O error occurs.
public static void encode(InputStream inputStream,
OutputStream outputStream, int wrapAt) throws IOException {
// Base64OutputStream aux = new Base64OutputStream(outputStream, wrapAt);
// copy(inputStream, aux);
// aux.commit();
* Decodes data from the given input stream and writes them in the given
* output stream.
* The supplied input stream is read until its end is reached, but it's not
* closed by this method.
* The supplied output stream is nor flushed neither closed by this method.
* @param inputStream
* The input stream from which encoded data are read.
* @param outputStream
* The output stream in which decoded data are written.
* @throws IOException
* If an I/O error occurs.
public static void decode(InputStream inputStream, OutputStream outputStream)
throws IOException {
// copy(new Base64InputStream(inputStream), outputStream);
* Encodes data from the given source file contents and writes them in the
* given target file, wrapping every encoded line every wrapAt
* characters. A wrapAt value less than 1 disables wrapping.
* @param source
* The source file, from which decoded data are read.
* @param target
* The target file, in which encoded data are written.
* @param wrapAt
* The max line length for encoded data. If less than 1 no wrap
* is applied.
* @throws IOException
* If an I/O error occurs.
* @since 1.3
public static void encode(File source, File target, int wrapAt)
throws IOException {
InputStream inputStream = null;
OutputStream outputStream = null;
try {
inputStream = new FileInputStream(source);
outputStream = new FileOutputStream(target);
Base64.encode(inputStream, outputStream, wrapAt);
} finally {
if (outputStream != null) {
try {
} catch (Throwable t) {
if (inputStream != null) {
try {
} catch (Throwable t) {
* Encodes data from the given source file contents and writes them in the
* given target file.
* @param source
* The source file, from which decoded data are read.
* @param target
* The target file, in which encoded data are written.
* @throws IOException
* If an I/O error occurs.
* @since 1.3
public static void encode(File source, File target) throws IOException {
InputStream inputStream = null;
OutputStream outputStream = null;
try {
inputStream = new FileInputStream(source);
outputStream = new FileOutputStream(target);
Base64.encode(inputStream, outputStream);
} finally {
if (outputStream != null) {
try {
} catch (Throwable t) {
if (inputStream != null) {
try {
} catch (Throwable t) {
* Decodes data from the given source file contents and writes them in the
* given target file.
* @param source
* The source file, from which encoded data are read.
* @param target
* The target file, in which decoded data are written.
* @throws IOException
* If an I/O error occurs.
* @since 1.3
public static void decode(File source, File target) throws IOException {
InputStream inputStream = null;
OutputStream outputStream = null;
try {
inputStream = new FileInputStream(source);
outputStream = new FileOutputStream(target);
decode(inputStream, outputStream);
} finally {
if (outputStream != null) {
try {
} catch (Throwable t) {
if (inputStream != null) {
try {
} catch (Throwable t) {
* Copies data from a stream to another.
* @param inputStream
* The input stream.
* @param outputStream
* The output stream.
* @throws IOException
* If a unexpected I/O error occurs.
private static void copy(InputStream inputStream, OutputStream outputStream)
throws IOException {
// 1KB buffer
byte[] b = new byte[1024];
int len;
while ((len = inputStream.read(b)) != -1) {
outputStream.write(b, 0, len);
// end class Base64
File 6: GenericFunction.java
package com.ca.ODP.utils;
import java.util.Random;
import java.io.*;
public class GenericFunction {
public int getRandomNumber(int num)
Random rand = new Random();
int randNum1=rand.nextInt(num);
return randNum1;
File 7: Globals.java
package com.ca.ODP.utils;
import static org.testng.Assert.fail;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.FileOutputStream;
import java.io.Writer;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.nio.channels.FileChannel;
import java.util.Date;
import com.ca.ODP.utils.Base64;
import com.ca.ODP.utils.Globals;
import com.generationjava.io.xml.XmlWriter;
import com.thoughtworks.selenium.*;
public class Globals {
public static Selenium selenium;
public static DefaultSelenium Onboard_selenium;
public static String browser;
public static String Ousername;
public static String Opassword;
public static String username;
public static String password;
public static String companyname;
public static String failureImagesFolder;
public static Writer writer = new java.io.StringWriter();
public static XmlWriter xmlWriter=null;
public static long timestamp=new Date().getTime();
public static int passed=0;
public static int failed=0;
public static int skipped=0;
public static void markTestAsFailed(String testcase,Throwable cause)
protected static void captureScreenShotAfter(String path) {
try {
String base64Screenshot = Globals.selenium.captureEntirePageScreenshotToString("");
byte[] decodedScreenshot = Base64.decode(base64Screenshot.getBytes());
FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(new File(path));
FileChannel outChannel = fos.getChannel();
} catch (Exception e) {
public static void markTestAsOK(String testcase)
long randomTime=new Date().getTime();
public static String getPageLoadTimeOut() {
return String.valueOf(30000);
public static String getPageLoadTimeOut(int seconds) {
return String.valueOf(seconds * 1000);
File 8: LoginUtil.Java
package com.ca.ODP.utils;
//import com.ca.ODP.Log_inOut;
import org.testng.Reporter;
import com.ca.ODP.Test.BaseTests;
import com.ca.ODP.utils.Globals;
//import com.ca.frontoffice.utils.LoginUtil;
//import org.testng.Reporter;
import static org.testng.Assert.assertTrue;
public class LoginUtil {
//public static DefaultSelenium selenium;
public static void login(String username,String password){
// Globals.selenium.open("https://rwcrh8.ca.com//web/portal/login?TYPE=33554433&REALMOID=06-0003637f-cceb-1ba3-8e98-fa5682c8c044&GUID=&SMAUTHREASON=0&METHOD=GET&SMAGENTNAME=-SM-Lv3PYArtpFEOxfQZFPHmNauhn5NYebq9auIeK%2fNS2KxEB3P9bprxh3XDZlbLhNS47%2fKK00%2fHVfFG6UHhEfNWMITnNbU4XRY1&TARGET=-SM-http%3a%2f%2frwcrh8%2eca%2ecom%2f");
// Globals.selenium.waitForPageToLoad("30000");
// Globals.markTestAsOK(testcase);
while(Globals.selenium.isElementPresent("Id=overridelink")!= false)
System.out.println("It is not safe to continue link found");
Globals.selenium.type("_58_login", username);
Globals.selenium.type("_58_password", password);
Globals.selenium.click("//input[@value='Sign In']");
catch(Throwable cause)
System.out.println("this is login function error");
} //login end
public static void logout(){
Globals.selenium.click("link=Sign Out");
System.out.println("logging out");
catch(Throwable cause)
System.out.println("this is logout function error");
System.out.println("System is already logged out1");
public static boolean isLoggedIn()
return Globals.selenium.isTextPresent("Sign Out");
//return CreateUser.selenium.isTextPresent("Sign Out");
public static void checkInvalidLogin(String username,String password){
Globals.selenium.type("_58_login", username+"@"+"ca"+".com");
Globals.selenium.type("_58_password", password);
assertTrue(Globals.selenium.isTextPresent("You have entered invalid data. Please try again."));
assertTrue(Globals.selenium.isTextPresent("Authentication failed. Please try again."));
System.out.println("Already logged in");
File9: User Util.java
package com.ca.ODP.utils;
import org.testng.Reporter;
import com.ca.ODP.Test.BaseTests;
import com.ca.ODP.utils.Globals;
//import com.ca.frontoffice.utils.LoginUtil;
//import org.testng.Reporter;
import static org.testng.Assert.assertTrue;
import static org.testng.Assert.assertEquals;
import com.ca.ODP.utils.GenericFunction;
public class UserUtil {
public static String createOrg(String org_name){
int randnum;
String orgnization_name;
GenericFunction randnumber = new GenericFunction();
System.out.println("Creating an orgnization");
Globals.selenium.click("link=My Account");
Globals.selenium.type("_126_name", orgnization_name);
// Globals.selenium.waitForPageToLoad("30000");
// Globals.selenium.click("link=Sign Out");
return orgnization_name;
public static String createOrgUser(String org_user_email,String org_user_password,String org_user_fname,String org_user_lname){
System.out.println("Creating an user");
int randnum;String fname,lname;
String emailid=new String();
GenericFunction randnumber = new GenericFunction();
Globals.selenium.click("link=My Account");
// System.out.println(Globals.selenium.getAllWindowNames());
// selectWindow("Security Warning" );
////pop-up code and it is not working
////assertEquals("Security Warning", Globals.selenium.getAlert());
//Globals.selenium.waitForPopUp("Security Warning", "30000");
//Globals.selenium.selectWindow("Security Warning");
////assertEquals("Security Warning", Globals.selenium.getAlert());
lname=randnum+ org_user_lname;
System.out.println("Created new Org user email id is: "+ emailid);
Globals.selenium.type("_125_firstName", fname);
Globals.selenium.type("_125_lastName", lname);
Globals.selenium.type("_125_password1", org_user_password);
Globals.selenium.type("_125_password2", org_user_password);
//Globals.selenium.click("link=Sign Out");
return emailid;
protected static void selectWindow(String windowIndenifer ) {
if (windowIndenifer==null ||windowIndenifer.length() <= 1) windowIndenifer = Globals.selenium.getEval("{var windowId; for(var xWindow in selenium.browserbot.openedWindows ) {windowId=xWindow;} }"); if(windowIndenifer == null || windowIndenifer.length() <=1) System.out.println("There is no popupWindow in current AUT"); else{ Globals.selenium.selectWindow(windowIndenifer); System.out.println("Selenium found a popup Window : " + windowIndenifer); } } public static void addOrgMember(String orgname){ int randnum2; String fname1,lname1; String emailid1=new String(); GenericFunction randnumber = new GenericFunction(); randnum2=randnumber.getRandomNumber(10000); emailid1=randnum2+"user@ca.com"; fname1=randnum2+"fname"; lname1=randnum2+ "lname"; Globals.selenium.click("link=My Account"); Globals.selenium.waitForPageToLoad("30000"); Globals.selenium.click("link=Organizations"); Globals.selenium.waitForPageToLoad("30000"); Globals.selenium.type("toggle_id_enterprise_admin_organization_searchkeywords", orgname); Globals.selenium.click("//input[@value='Search']"); Globals.selenium.waitForPageToLoad("40000"); Globals.selenium.click("//div[@id='portlet-wrapper-126']/div[2]/div/div/form/div[6]/table/tbody/tr[3]/td[8]/ul/li/strong/span"); // Globals.selenium.click("//a[contains(@href, 'https://rwcrh8.ca.com/group/control_panel/manage?p_p_id=126&p_p_lifecycle=0&p_p_state=maximized&p_p_mode=view&refererPlid=11067&_126_struts_action=%2Fenterprise_admin_organizations%2Fedit_user&_126_redirect=https%3A%2F%2Frwcrh8.ca.com%2Fgroup%2Fcontrol_panel%2Fmanage%3Fp_p_id%3D126%26p_p_lifecycle%3D0%26p_p_state%3Dmaximized%26p_p_mode%3Dview%26refererPlid%3D11067%26_126_struts_action%3D%252Fenterprise_admin_organizations%252Fview%26_126_tabs1%3Dorganizations%26_126_tabs2%3D%26_126_tabs3%3D%26_126_cur%3D1%26_126_delta%3D20%26_126_keywords%3D3975Computer%2BAssociates%26_126_advancedSearch%3Dfalse%26_126_andOperator%3Dtrue%26_126_name%3D%26_126_street%3D%26_126_city%3D%26_126_zip%3D%26_126_countryId%3D0%26_126_regionId%3D0%26_126_parentOrganizationId%3D0%26_126_orderByCol%3Dtype%26_126_orderByType%3Dasc&_126_organizationsSearchContainerPrimaryKeys=26472')]"); Globals.selenium.click("alt=Add User"); Globals.selenium.waitForPageToLoad("30000"); Globals.selenium.type("_126_emailAddress", emailid1); Globals.selenium.type("_126_firstName", fname1); Globals.selenium.type("_126_middleName", "mname"); Globals.selenium.type("_126_lastName", lname1); Globals.selenium.click("//input[@value='Save']"); // Globals.selenium.waitForPageToLoad("30000"); // Globals.selenium.click("link=Sign Out"); } } Step 3:So the above code is working for my project ....
but in this section we see what things need to change for any project and also understand the small concepts
Ya so as promised the next post will be to create a basic framework on Automation for selenium. Please go thru the past two selenium post of blog before starting this post.
Framework is like the three following steps:
Driver : Testng.xml which will say which testcase need to run by enabled="true" property.
Testcases : These are the class file which will call the library function on demand.
The parameter it will take from Testng.xml to run them.
Library: Resusable function which will be invoked by the testcases and perform task or return the value.
Agree like other component like e-maling , reporting , exception handling etc should be added but as of now this basic architecture is suffice to embark our automation stuff.
Step by step framework designing
Part A : Create a basic Structure of test framework in Eclipse
Step 1:Make sure you have done installation of eclipse.
Step 2:Open eclipse and create a Java project ( eg ODP_main_automation)
Step 3:Right Click on project and go in properties and select java Build path to Add JRE of selenium testng mail etc
Step 4:Click on add external JRE and select testng-5.12.1.jar , selenium-server.jar,selenium-java-client-driver.jar,mail.jar and xmlwriter-2.0.jar ( this is javamail jre search on google for all this) and click on OK
Step 5:Create a pakage under Src folder (eg com.ca.ODP.Test )- FOr test Script
Step 6:Create another package undre same src folder (eg com.ca.ODP.utils) - For Library.
Step7: Create a BaseTests.Java class under pakage in step 5 (com.ca.ODP.Test )
Step8: Create a CreateTest.java class under pakage in step 5 (com.ca.ODP.Test )
Step9: Step8: Create a LoginTests.java class under pakage in step 5 (com.ca.ODP.Test )
Step10: Create a testng.xml undre under pakage in step 5 (com.ca.ODP.Test )
Now if u right click on this and go on run as u see that u are not getting option to 'RUN as TESTNG' so we need to make test which can run as testng
Step11: Go in windows > network host, here select network connection and check all http etc
Step 12 : click on help > Install new software and provide url http://beust.com/eclipse (dat of this post is 25 AUg-2010 so if u r seeing it much later than possible things went change so search on google that how to install TestNG with Eclipse)
Step 13: select version of testng and Click next ... it will install testng for that project. Restart Eclipse.
Now if u right click on this and go on run as u see that u are STILL STILL not getting option to 'RUN as TESTNG' so we need to make test which can run as testng
the reason is testng.xml is blank :-)
Step 14:
Double click on testng.xml and paste the following content we will discuss later about it . please replace ^ with <>
^suite name="ODP">
^parameter name="build" value="QA Build"/>
^parameter name="failureImagesPath" value="./logs"/>
^parameter name="url" value="http://rwcrh8.ca.com"/>
^parameter name="port" value="8080"/>
^parameter name="super_username" value="test@ca.com"/>
^parameter name="super_password" value="test"/>
^parameter name="service_username" value="shukr02@ca.com"/>
^parameter name="service_password" value="niku"/>
^parameter name="companyName" value="ca1"/>
^!-- Parameters to Automated test results Mail BEGIN -->
^parameter name="mail_smtpHost" value="mail.ca.com"/>
^parameter name="mail_from" value="Automation@aquila.ca.com"/>
^parameter name="mail_to" value="choba02@ca.com"/>
^parameter name="mail_subject" value="Automated Test Report -Aquila"/>
^parameter name="mail_body" value="this is automated test report"/>
^parameter name="mail_send_mail" value="false"/>
^!-- Parameters to Automated test results Mail END -->
^!-- test verbose="2" name="SDM Configure" annotations="JDK" enabled="true">
^parameter name="testcase" value="TCID125"/>
^parameter name="username" value="ODPadmin"/>
^parameter name="password" value="aquila"/>
^parameter name="sdmName" value="Service Desk"/>
^parameter name="wsdlUrl" value="http://itc-desra02022:8080/axis/services/USD_R11_WebService"/>
^parameter name="baseUrl" value="http://itc-desra02022:8080/"/>
^parameter name="sdmUser" value="ServiceDesk"/>
^parameter name="sdmPass" value="interOP@123"/>
^include name="TCID125"/>
^class name="com.ca.ODP.tests.SDTests" />
^test verbose="2" name="Login104" annotations="JDK" enabled="true">
^parameter name="testcase" value="TCID104"/>
^parameter name="wPassword" value="wrongpassword"/>
^!-- L002 Invalid password. -->
^include name="TestCase104"/>
^class name="com.ca.ODP.Test.LoginTests" />
^test verbose="2" name="LoginSuperAdmin_TCID100" annotations="JDK" enabled="true">
^parameter name="testcase" value="TCID100"/>
^!-- L002 Invalid password. -->
^include name="TestCase100"/>
^class name="com.ca.ODP.Test.LoginTests" />
^test verbose="2" name="LoginServiceAdmin_TCID101" annotations="JDK" enabled="true">
^parameter name="testcase" value="TCID101"/>
^!-- L002 Invalid password. -->
^include name="TestCase101"/>
^class name="com.ca.ODP.Test.LoginTests" />
^test verbose="2" name="LogintenantAdmin_TCID102" annotations="JDK" enabled="true">
^parameter name="testcase" value="TCID102"/>
^parameter name="tenant_username" value="admin@dell.com"/>
^parameter name="tenant_password" value="test"/>
^!-- L002 Invalid password. -->
^include name="TestCase102"/>
^class name="com.ca.ODP.Test.LoginTests" />
^test verbose="2" name="LoginOrgUser_TCID103" annotations="JDK" enabled="true">
^parameter name="testcase" value="TCID103"/>
^parameter name="org_username" value="user@dell.com"/>
^parameter name="org_password" value="test"/>
^!-- L002 Invalid password. -->
^include name="TestCase103"/>
^class name="com.ca.ODP.Test.LoginTests" />
^test verbose="2" name="CreatUser_TCID105" annotations="JDK" enabled="true">
^parameter name="testcase" value="TCID105"/>
^parameter name="org_user_email" value="Orgusr@ca.com"/>
^parameter name="org_user_password" value="test"/>
^parameter name="org_user_fname" value="Fname"/>
^parameter name="org_user_lname" value="Lname"/>
^!-- L002 Invalid password. -->
^include name="TestCase105"/>
^class name="com.ca.ODP.Test.CreateTest" />
^test verbose="2" name="CreatOrgnization_TCID106" annotations="JDK" enabled="true">
^parameter name="testcase" value="TCID106"/>
^parameter name="org_name" value="Computer Associates"/>
^!-- L002 Invalid password. -->
^include name="TestCase106"/>
^class name="com.ca.ODP.Test.CreateTest" />
^test verbose="2" name="assignUsertoOrg_TCID107" annotations="JDK" enabled="true">
^parameter name="testcase" value="TCID107"/>
^parameter name="org_name" value="Computer Associates"/>
^!-- L002 Invalid password. -->
^include name="TestCase107"/>
^class name="com.ca.ODP.Test.CreateTest" />
Now if u right click on this and go on run as u see that u are getting option to 'RUN as TESTNG'
Step16: Create a Base64.Java class under pakage in step 6 (com.ca.ODP.utils)
Step17: Create a GenericFunction.java class under pakage in step 6 (com.ca.ODP.utils)
Step18: Step8: Create a Globals.java class under pakage in step 6 (com.ca.ODP.utils)
Step19: Step8: Create a LoginUtil.java class under pakage in step 6 (com.ca.ODP.utils )
Step20: Step8: Create a UserUtil.java class under pakage in step 6 (com.ca.ODP.utils )
So now our basic Structure Done
PART B : Creating the test and library code for simple login utility
we will build all testcase what i did in my project
Step 1: Start the Selenium server
go to command prompt > go to path where selenium-server.jar reside
eg cd C:\silenuim\selenium-server-1.0.3
provide command java -jar selenium-server.jar and enter
{if you are new please read the http://seleniumhq.org/docs/05_selenium_rc.html first it will help , It may be bouncer first but it will help later.}
check your server start , if not chk java is there , if it is there shout F1 F1 ;-)
Step 2:
Now just copy paste all the code .... hmmm
File 1: BaseTest.java
package com.ca.ODP.Test;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.IOException;
import org.testng.annotations.AfterSuite;
import org.testng.annotations.BeforeSuite;
import org.testng.annotations.Parameters;
//import com.ca.ODP.utils.Globals_old;
//import com.ca.frontoffice.utils.OnboardingUtil;
//import com.ca.frontoffice.utils.common.EmailUtil;
//import com.ca.ODP.utils.common.EmailUtil;
import com.ca.ODP.utils.Globals;
import com.thoughtworks.selenium.*;
public class BaseTests {
@BeforeSuite (alwaysRun=true)
protected void doSetup(){
Globals.selenium = new DefaultSelenium("localhost", 4444, "*iexplore","https://rwcrh8.ca.com/");
Globals.selenium.click("css=#gb_2 > span.gbts");
Globals.selenium.type("id=lst-ib", "hi");
Globals.selenium.keyPress("id=lst-ib", "13");
while(Globals.selenium.isElementPresent("Id=overridelink")!= false)
System.out.println("It is not safe to continue link found");
@AfterSuite (alwaysRun=true)
protected void doTearDown(){
System.out.println("Completed execution of test suite");
File 2: CreateTest.java
package com.ca.ODP.Test;
import org.testng.Reporter;
import org.testng.annotations.Parameters;
import org.testng.annotations.Test;
import com.ca.ODP.Test.BaseTests;
import com.ca.ODP.utils.Globals;
import com.ca.ODP.utils.LoginUtil;
import com.ca.ODP.utils.UserUtil;
public class CreateTest extends BaseTests {
@Parameters( {"org_user_email","org_user_password","org_user_fname","org_user_lname","super_username","super_password" })
@Test(groups = {"TestCase105"})
public void createOrgUser_TCID105(String org_user_email,String org_user_password,String org_user_fname,String org_user_lname,String super_username,String super_password) {
String orgUser;
//Reporter.log("Starting Invalid Password...");
LoginUtil.login(super_username, super_password);
orgUser= UserUtil.createOrgUser(org_user_email, org_user_password, org_user_fname, org_user_lname);
// Reporter.log("Ending Invalid Password.");
@Parameters( {"org_name","super_username","super_password" })
@Test(groups = {"TestCase106"})
public void createOrgnization_TCID106(String org_name,String super_username,String super_password) {
String orgname;
//Reporter.log("Starting Invalid Password...");
LoginUtil.login(super_username, super_password);
// Reporter.log("Ending Invalid Password.");
// @Parameters( {"org_user_email","org_user_password","org_user_fname","org_user_lname","super_username","super_password","org_name" })
// @Test(groups = {"TestCase107"})
// public void assignUsertoOrg_TCID107(String org_user_email,String org_user_password,String org_user_fname,String org_user_lname,String super_username,String super_password,String org_name){
// LoginUtil.logout();
// LoginUtil.login(super_username, super_password);
// UserUtil.createOrgUser(org_user_email, org_user_password, org_user_fname, org_user_lname);
// UserUtil.createOrg(org_name);
//// this.createOrgUser_TCID105(org_user_email, org_user_password, org_user_fname, org_user_lname, super_username, super_password);
//// this.createOrgnization_TCID106(org_name, super_username, super_password);
// }
@Parameters( {"super_username","super_password","org_name" })
@Test(groups = {"TestCase107"})
public void addUsertoOrg_TCID107(String super_username,String super_password,String org_name){
String orgname;
LoginUtil.login(super_username, super_password);
// this.createOrgUser_TCID105(org_user_email, org_user_password, org_user_fname, org_user_lname, super_username, super_password);
// this.createOrgnization_TCID106(org_name, super_username, super_password);
File 3 : LoginTest.java
package com.ca.ODP.Test;
import org.testng.Reporter;
import org.testng.annotations.Parameters;
import org.testng.annotations.Test;
import com.ca.ODP.Test.BaseTests;
import com.ca.ODP.utils.Globals;
import com.ca.ODP.utils.LoginUtil;
public class LoginTests extends BaseTests {
@Parameters( { "testcase", "super_username", "super_password", "wPassword" })
@Test(groups = {"TestCase104"})
public void CheckInvalidPassword_TCID104(String testcase,String super_username, String super_password,String wPassword) {
//Reporter.log("Starting Invalid Password...");
LoginUtil.checkInvalidLogin(super_username, wPassword);
// Reporter.log("Ending Invalid Password.");
@Parameters({"testcase", "super_username", "super_password",})
@Test(groups = {"TestCase100"})
public void Login_SuperAdmin_TCID100(String testcase,String super_username, String super_password) {
//Reporter.log("Starting Invalid Password...");
LoginUtil.login(super_username, super_password);
// Reporter.log("Ending Invalid Password.");
@Parameters({"testcase", "service_username", "service_password",})
@Test(groups = {"TestCase101"})
public void Login_ServiceAdmin_TCID101(String testcase,String service_username, String service_password) {
//Reporter.log("Starting Invalid Password...");
LoginUtil.login(service_username, service_password);
// Reporter.log("Ending Invalid Password.");
@Parameters({"testcase", "tenant_username", "tenant_password",})
@Test(groups = {"TestCase102"})
public void Login_TenantAdmin_TCID102(String testcase,String tenant_username, String tenant_password) {
//Reporter.log("Starting Invalid Password...");
LoginUtil.login(tenant_username, tenant_password);
// Reporter.log("Ending Invalid Password.");
@Parameters({"testcase", "org_username", "org_password",})
@Test(groups = {"TestCase103"})
public void Login_OrgUser_TCID103(String testcase,String org_username, String org_password) {
//Reporter.log("Starting Invalid Password...");
LoginUtil.login(org_username, org_password);
// Reporter.log("Ending Invalid Password.");
File 4: testng.xml. Please remove
' ^!DOCTYPE suite SYSTEM "http://testng.org/testng-1.0.dtd">
^suite name="ODP">
^parameter name="build" value="QA Build"/>
^parameter name="failureImagesPath" value="./logs"/>
^parameter name="url" value="http://rwcrh8.ca.com"/>
^parameter name="port" value="8080"/>
^parameter name="super_username" value="test@ca.com"/>
^parameter name="super_password" value="test"/>
^parameter name="service_username" value="shukr02@ca.com"/>
^parameter name="service_password" value="niku"/>
^parameter name="companyName" value="ca1"/>
^!-- Parameters to Automated test results Mail BEGIN -->
^parameter name="mail_smtpHost" value="mail.ca.com"/>
^parameter name="mail_from" value="Automation@aquila.ca.com"/>
^parameter name="mail_to" value="choba02@ca.com"/>
^parameter name="mail_subject" value="Automated Test Report -Aquila"/>
^parameter name="mail_body" value="this is automated test report"/>
^parameter name="mail_send_mail" value="false"/>
^!-- Parameters to Automated test results Mail END -->
^!-- test verbose="2" name="SDM Configure" annotations="JDK" enabled="true">
^parameter name="testcase" value="TCID125"/>
^parameter name="username" value="ODPadmin"/>
^parameter name="password" value="aquila"/>
^parameter name="sdmName" value="Service Desk"/>
^parameter name="wsdlUrl" value="http://itc-desra02022:8080/axis/services/USD_R11_WebService"/>
^parameter name="baseUrl" value="http://itc-desra02022:8080/"/>
^parameter name="sdmUser" value="ServiceDesk"/>
^parameter name="sdmPass" value="interOP@123"/>
^include name="TCID125"/>
^class name="com.ca.ODP.tests.SDTests" />
^test verbose="2" name="Login104" annotations="JDK" enabled="true">
^parameter name="testcase" value="TCID104"/>
^parameter name="wPassword" value="wrongpassword"/>
^!-- L002 Invalid password. -->
^include name="TestCase104"/>
^class name="com.ca.ODP.Test.LoginTests" />
^test verbose="2" name="LoginSuperAdmin_TCID100" annotations="JDK" enabled="true">
^parameter name="testcase" value="TCID100"/>
^!-- L002 Invalid password. -->
^include name="TestCase100"/>
^class name="com.ca.ODP.Test.LoginTests" />
^test verbose="2" name="LoginServiceAdmin_TCID101" annotations="JDK" enabled="true">
^parameter name="testcase" value="TCID101"/>
^!-- L002 Invalid password. -->
^include name="TestCase101"/>
^class name="com.ca.ODP.Test.LoginTests" />
^test verbose="2" name="LogintenantAdmin_TCID102" annotations="JDK" enabled="true">
^parameter name="testcase" value="TCID102"/>
^parameter name="tenant_username" value="admin@dell.com"/>
^parameter name="tenant_password" value="test"/>
^!-- L002 Invalid password. -->
^include name="TestCase102"/>
^class name="com.ca.ODP.Test.LoginTests" />
^test verbose="2" name="LoginOrgUser_TCID103" annotations="JDK" enabled="true">
^parameter name="testcase" value="TCID103"/>
^parameter name="org_username" value="user@dell.com"/>
^parameter name="org_password" value="test"/>
^!-- L002 Invalid password. -->
^include name="TestCase103"/>
^class name="com.ca.ODP.Test.LoginTests" />
^test verbose="2" name="CreatUser_TCID105" annotations="JDK" enabled="true">
^parameter name="testcase" value="TCID105"/>
^parameter name="org_user_email" value="Orgusr@ca.com"/>
^parameter name="org_user_password" value="test"/>
^parameter name="org_user_fname" value="Fname"/>
^parameter name="org_user_lname" value="Lname"/>
^!-- L002 Invalid password. -->
^include name="TestCase105"/>
^class name="com.ca.ODP.Test.CreateTest" />
^test verbose="2" name="CreatOrgnization_TCID106" annotations="JDK" enabled="true">
^parameter name="testcase" value="TCID106"/>
^parameter name="org_name" value="Computer Associates"/>
^!-- L002 Invalid password. -->
^include name="TestCase106"/>
^class name="com.ca.ODP.Test.CreateTest" />
^test verbose="2" name="assignUsertoOrg_TCID107" annotations="JDK" enabled="true">
^parameter name="testcase" value="TCID107"/>
^parameter name="org_name" value="Computer Associates"/>
^!-- L002 Invalid password. -->
^include name="TestCase107"/>
^class name="com.ca.ODP.Test.CreateTest" />
* Java Base64 - A pure Java library for reading and writing Base64
* encoded streams.
* Copyright (C) 2007-2009 Carlo Pelliccia (www.sauronsoftware.it)
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version
* 2.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License version 2.1 along with this program.
* If not, see
package com.ca.ODP.utils;
import java.io.ByteArrayInputStream;
import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.FileInputStream;
import java.io.FileOutputStream;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.io.OutputStream;
import java.io.UnsupportedEncodingException;
* Base64 encoding and decoding utility methods, both for binary and textual
* informations.
* @author Carlo Pelliccia
* @since 1.1
* @version 1.3
public class Base64 {
* Encodes a string.
* Before the string is encoded in Base64, it is converted in a binary
* sequence using the system default charset.
* @param str
* The source string.
* @return The encoded string.
* @throws RuntimeException
* If an unexpected error occurs.
public static String encode(String str) throws RuntimeException {
byte[] bytes = str.getBytes();
byte[] encoded = encode(bytes);
try {
return new String(encoded, "ASCII");
} catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
throw new RuntimeException("ASCII is not supported!", e);
* Encodes a string.
* Before the string is encoded in Base64, it is converted in a binary
* sequence using the supplied charset.
* @param str
* The source string
* @param charset
* The charset name.
* @return The encoded string.
* @throws RuntimeException
* If an unexpected error occurs.
* @since 1.2
public static String encode(String str, String charset)
throws RuntimeException {
byte[] bytes;
try {
bytes = str.getBytes(charset);
} catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
throw new RuntimeException("Unsupported charset: " + charset, e);
byte[] encoded = encode(bytes);
try {
return new String(encoded, "ASCII");
} catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
throw new RuntimeException("ASCII is not supported!", e);
* Decodes the supplied string.
* The supplied string is decoded into a binary sequence, and then the
* sequence is encoded with the system default charset and returned.
* @param str
* The encoded string.
* @return The decoded string.
* @throws RuntimeException
* If an unexpected error occurs.
public static String decode(String str) throws RuntimeException {
byte[] bytes;
try {
bytes = str.getBytes("ASCII");
} catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
throw new RuntimeException("ASCII is not supported!", e);
byte[] decoded = decode(bytes);
return new String(decoded);
* Decodes the supplied string.
* The supplied string is decoded into a binary sequence, and then the
* sequence is encoded with the supplied charset and returned.
* @param str
* The encoded string.
* @param charset
* The charset name.
* @return The decoded string.
* @throws RuntimeException
* If an unexpected error occurs.
* @since 1.2
public static String decode(String str, String charset)
throws RuntimeException {
byte[] bytes;
try {
bytes = str.getBytes("ASCII");
} catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
throw new RuntimeException("ASCII is not supported!", e);
byte[] decoded = decode(bytes);
try {
return new String(decoded, charset);
} catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
throw new RuntimeException("Unsupported charset: " + charset, e);
* Encodes a binary sequence.
* If data are large, i.e. if you are working with large binary files,
* consider to use a {@link Base64OutputStream} instead of loading too much
* data in memory.
* @param bytes
* The source sequence.
* @return The encoded sequence.
* @throws RuntimeException
* If an unexpected error occurs.
* @since 1.2
public static byte[] encode(byte[] bytes) throws RuntimeException {
return encode(bytes, 0);
* Encodes a binary sequence, wrapping every encoded line every
* wrapAt characters. A wrapAt value less than 1 disables
* wrapping.
* If data are large, i.e. if you are working with large binary files,
* consider to use a {@link Base64OutputStream} instead of loading too much
* data in memory.
* @param bytes
* The source sequence.
* @param wrapAt
* The max line length for encoded data. If less than 1 no wrap
* is applied.
* @return The encoded sequence.
* @throws RuntimeException
* If an unexpected error occurs.
* @since 1.2
public static byte[] encode(byte[] bytes, int wrapAt)
throws RuntimeException {
ByteArrayInputStream inputStream = new ByteArrayInputStream(bytes);
ByteArrayOutputStream outputStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
try {
encode(inputStream, outputStream, wrapAt);
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new RuntimeException("Unexpected I/O error", e);
} finally {
try {
} catch (Throwable t) {
try {
} catch (Throwable t) {
return outputStream.toByteArray();
* Decodes a binary sequence.
* If data are large, i.e. if you are working with large binary files,
* consider to use a {@link Base64InputStream} instead of loading too much
* data in memory.
* @param bytes
* The encoded sequence.
* @return The decoded sequence.
* @throws RuntimeException
* If an unexpected error occurs.
* @since 1.2
public static byte[] decode(byte[] bytes) throws RuntimeException {
ByteArrayInputStream inputStream = new ByteArrayInputStream(bytes);
ByteArrayOutputStream outputStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
try {
decode(inputStream, outputStream);
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new RuntimeException("Unexpected I/O error", e);
} finally {
try {
} catch (Throwable t) {
try {
} catch (Throwable t) {
return outputStream.toByteArray();
* Encodes data from the given input stream and writes them in the given
* output stream.
* The supplied input stream is read until its end is reached, but it's not
* closed by this method.
* The supplied output stream is nor flushed neither closed by this method.
* @param inputStream
* The input stream.
* @param outputStream
* The output stream.
* @throws IOException
* If an I/O error occurs.
public static void encode(InputStream inputStream, OutputStream outputStream)
throws IOException {
encode(inputStream, outputStream, 0);
* Encodes data from the given input stream and writes them in the given
* output stream, wrapping every encoded line every wrapAt
* characters. A wrapAt value less than 1 disables wrapping.
* The supplied input stream is read until its end is reached, but it's not
* closed by this method.
* The supplied output stream is nor flushed neither closed by this method.
* @param inputStream
* The input stream from which clear data are read.
* @param outputStream
* The output stream in which encoded data are written.
* @param wrapAt
* The max line length for encoded data. If less than 1 no wrap
* is applied.
* @throws IOException
* If an I/O error occurs.
public static void encode(InputStream inputStream,
OutputStream outputStream, int wrapAt) throws IOException {
// Base64OutputStream aux = new Base64OutputStream(outputStream, wrapAt);
// copy(inputStream, aux);
// aux.commit();
* Decodes data from the given input stream and writes them in the given
* output stream.
* The supplied input stream is read until its end is reached, but it's not
* closed by this method.
* The supplied output stream is nor flushed neither closed by this method.
* @param inputStream
* The input stream from which encoded data are read.
* @param outputStream
* The output stream in which decoded data are written.
* @throws IOException
* If an I/O error occurs.
public static void decode(InputStream inputStream, OutputStream outputStream)
throws IOException {
// copy(new Base64InputStream(inputStream), outputStream);
* Encodes data from the given source file contents and writes them in the
* given target file, wrapping every encoded line every wrapAt
* characters. A wrapAt value less than 1 disables wrapping.
* @param source
* The source file, from which decoded data are read.
* @param target
* The target file, in which encoded data are written.
* @param wrapAt
* The max line length for encoded data. If less than 1 no wrap
* is applied.
* @throws IOException
* If an I/O error occurs.
* @since 1.3
public static void encode(File source, File target, int wrapAt)
throws IOException {
InputStream inputStream = null;
OutputStream outputStream = null;
try {
inputStream = new FileInputStream(source);
outputStream = new FileOutputStream(target);
Base64.encode(inputStream, outputStream, wrapAt);
} finally {
if (outputStream != null) {
try {
} catch (Throwable t) {
if (inputStream != null) {
try {
} catch (Throwable t) {
* Encodes data from the given source file contents and writes them in the
* given target file.
* @param source
* The source file, from which decoded data are read.
* @param target
* The target file, in which encoded data are written.
* @throws IOException
* If an I/O error occurs.
* @since 1.3
public static void encode(File source, File target) throws IOException {
InputStream inputStream = null;
OutputStream outputStream = null;
try {
inputStream = new FileInputStream(source);
outputStream = new FileOutputStream(target);
Base64.encode(inputStream, outputStream);
} finally {
if (outputStream != null) {
try {
} catch (Throwable t) {
if (inputStream != null) {
try {
} catch (Throwable t) {
* Decodes data from the given source file contents and writes them in the
* given target file.
* @param source
* The source file, from which encoded data are read.
* @param target
* The target file, in which decoded data are written.
* @throws IOException
* If an I/O error occurs.
* @since 1.3
public static void decode(File source, File target) throws IOException {
InputStream inputStream = null;
OutputStream outputStream = null;
try {
inputStream = new FileInputStream(source);
outputStream = new FileOutputStream(target);
decode(inputStream, outputStream);
} finally {
if (outputStream != null) {
try {
} catch (Throwable t) {
if (inputStream != null) {
try {
} catch (Throwable t) {
* Copies data from a stream to another.
* @param inputStream
* The input stream.
* @param outputStream
* The output stream.
* @throws IOException
* If a unexpected I/O error occurs.
private static void copy(InputStream inputStream, OutputStream outputStream)
throws IOException {
// 1KB buffer
byte[] b = new byte[1024];
int len;
while ((len = inputStream.read(b)) != -1) {
outputStream.write(b, 0, len);
File 6: GenericFunction.java
package com.ca.ODP.utils;
import java.util.Random;
import java.io.*;
public class GenericFunction {
public int getRandomNumber(int num)
Random rand = new Random();
int randNum1=rand.nextInt(num);
return randNum1;
File 7: Globals.java
package com.ca.ODP.utils;
import static org.testng.Assert.fail;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.FileOutputStream;
import java.io.Writer;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.nio.channels.FileChannel;
import java.util.Date;
import com.ca.ODP.utils.Base64;
import com.ca.ODP.utils.Globals;
import com.generationjava.io.xml.XmlWriter;
import com.thoughtworks.selenium.*;
public class Globals {
public static Selenium selenium;
public static DefaultSelenium Onboard_selenium;
public static String browser;
public static String Ousername;
public static String Opassword;
public static String username;
public static String password;
public static String companyname;
public static String failureImagesFolder;
public static Writer writer = new java.io.StringWriter();
public static XmlWriter xmlWriter=null;
public static long timestamp=new Date().getTime();
public static int passed=0;
public static int failed=0;
public static int skipped=0;
public static void markTestAsFailed(String testcase,Throwable cause)
protected static void captureScreenShotAfter(String path) {
try {
String base64Screenshot = Globals.selenium.captureEntirePageScreenshotToString("");
byte[] decodedScreenshot = Base64.decode(base64Screenshot.getBytes());
FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(new File(path));
FileChannel outChannel = fos.getChannel();
} catch (Exception e) {
public static void markTestAsOK(String testcase)
long randomTime=new Date().getTime();
public static String getPageLoadTimeOut() {
return String.valueOf(30000);
public static String getPageLoadTimeOut(int seconds) {
return String.valueOf(seconds * 1000);
File 8: LoginUtil.Java
package com.ca.ODP.utils;
//import com.ca.ODP.Log_inOut;
import org.testng.Reporter;
import com.ca.ODP.Test.BaseTests;
import com.ca.ODP.utils.Globals;
//import com.ca.frontoffice.utils.LoginUtil;
//import org.testng.Reporter;
import static org.testng.Assert.assertTrue;
public class LoginUtil {
//public static DefaultSelenium selenium;
public static void login(String username,String password){
// Globals.selenium.open("https://rwcrh8.ca.com//web/portal/login?TYPE=33554433&REALMOID=06-0003637f-cceb-1ba3-8e98-fa5682c8c044&GUID=&SMAUTHREASON=0&METHOD=GET&SMAGENTNAME=-SM-Lv3PYArtpFEOxfQZFPHmNauhn5NYebq9auIeK%2fNS2KxEB3P9bprxh3XDZlbLhNS47%2fKK00%2fHVfFG6UHhEfNWMITnNbU4XRY1&TARGET=-SM-http%3a%2f%2frwcrh8%2eca%2ecom%2f");
// Globals.selenium.waitForPageToLoad("30000");
// Globals.markTestAsOK(testcase);
while(Globals.selenium.isElementPresent("Id=overridelink")!= false)
System.out.println("It is not safe to continue link found");
Globals.selenium.type("_58_login", username);
Globals.selenium.type("_58_password", password);
Globals.selenium.click("//input[@value='Sign In']");
catch(Throwable cause)
System.out.println("this is login function error");
} //login end
public static void logout(){
Globals.selenium.click("link=Sign Out");
System.out.println("logging out");
catch(Throwable cause)
System.out.println("this is logout function error");
System.out.println("System is already logged out1");
public static boolean isLoggedIn()
return Globals.selenium.isTextPresent("Sign Out");
//return CreateUser.selenium.isTextPresent("Sign Out");
public static void checkInvalidLogin(String username,String password){
Globals.selenium.type("_58_login", username+"@"+"ca"+".com");
Globals.selenium.type("_58_password", password);
assertTrue(Globals.selenium.isTextPresent("You have entered invalid data. Please try again."));
assertTrue(Globals.selenium.isTextPresent("Authentication failed. Please try again."));
System.out.println("Already logged in");
File9: User Util.java
package com.ca.ODP.utils;
import org.testng.Reporter;
import com.ca.ODP.Test.BaseTests;
import com.ca.ODP.utils.Globals;
//import com.ca.frontoffice.utils.LoginUtil;
//import org.testng.Reporter;
import static org.testng.Assert.assertTrue;
import static org.testng.Assert.assertEquals;
import com.ca.ODP.utils.GenericFunction;
public class UserUtil {
public static String createOrg(String org_name){
int randnum;
String orgnization_name;
GenericFunction randnumber = new GenericFunction();
System.out.println("Creating an orgnization");
Globals.selenium.click("link=My Account");
Globals.selenium.type("_126_name", orgnization_name);
// Globals.selenium.waitForPageToLoad("30000");
// Globals.selenium.click("link=Sign Out");
return orgnization_name;
public static String createOrgUser(String org_user_email,String org_user_password,String org_user_fname,String org_user_lname){
System.out.println("Creating an user");
int randnum;String fname,lname;
String emailid=new String();
GenericFunction randnumber = new GenericFunction();
Globals.selenium.click("link=My Account");
// System.out.println(Globals.selenium.getAllWindowNames());
// selectWindow("Security Warning" );
////pop-up code and it is not working
////assertEquals("Security Warning", Globals.selenium.getAlert());
//Globals.selenium.waitForPopUp("Security Warning", "30000");
//Globals.selenium.selectWindow("Security Warning");
////assertEquals("Security Warning", Globals.selenium.getAlert());
lname=randnum+ org_user_lname;
System.out.println("Created new Org user email id is: "+ emailid);
Globals.selenium.type("_125_firstName", fname);
Globals.selenium.type("_125_lastName", lname);
Globals.selenium.type("_125_password1", org_user_password);
Globals.selenium.type("_125_password2", org_user_password);
//Globals.selenium.click("link=Sign Out");
return emailid;
protected static void selectWindow(String windowIndenifer ) {
if (windowIndenifer==null ||windowIndenifer.length() <= 1) windowIndenifer = Globals.selenium.getEval("{var windowId; for(var xWindow in selenium.browserbot.openedWindows ) {windowId=xWindow;} }"); if(windowIndenifer == null || windowIndenifer.length() <=1) System.out.println("There is no popupWindow in current AUT"); else{ Globals.selenium.selectWindow(windowIndenifer); System.out.println("Selenium found a popup Window : " + windowIndenifer); } } public static void addOrgMember(String orgname){ int randnum2; String fname1,lname1; String emailid1=new String(); GenericFunction randnumber = new GenericFunction(); randnum2=randnumber.getRandomNumber(10000); emailid1=randnum2+"user@ca.com"; fname1=randnum2+"fname"; lname1=randnum2+ "lname"; Globals.selenium.click("link=My Account"); Globals.selenium.waitForPageToLoad("30000"); Globals.selenium.click("link=Organizations"); Globals.selenium.waitForPageToLoad("30000"); Globals.selenium.type("toggle_id_enterprise_admin_organization_searchkeywords", orgname); Globals.selenium.click("//input[@value='Search']"); Globals.selenium.waitForPageToLoad("40000"); Globals.selenium.click("//div[@id='portlet-wrapper-126']/div[2]/div/div/form/div[6]/table/tbody/tr[3]/td[8]/ul/li/strong/span"); // Globals.selenium.click("//a[contains(@href, 'https://rwcrh8.ca.com/group/control_panel/manage?p_p_id=126&p_p_lifecycle=0&p_p_state=maximized&p_p_mode=view&refererPlid=11067&_126_struts_action=%2Fenterprise_admin_organizations%2Fedit_user&_126_redirect=https%3A%2F%2Frwcrh8.ca.com%2Fgroup%2Fcontrol_panel%2Fmanage%3Fp_p_id%3D126%26p_p_lifecycle%3D0%26p_p_state%3Dmaximized%26p_p_mode%3Dview%26refererPlid%3D11067%26_126_struts_action%3D%252Fenterprise_admin_organizations%252Fview%26_126_tabs1%3Dorganizations%26_126_tabs2%3D%26_126_tabs3%3D%26_126_cur%3D1%26_126_delta%3D20%26_126_keywords%3D3975Computer%2BAssociates%26_126_advancedSearch%3Dfalse%26_126_andOperator%3Dtrue%26_126_name%3D%26_126_street%3D%26_126_city%3D%26_126_zip%3D%26_126_countryId%3D0%26_126_regionId%3D0%26_126_parentOrganizationId%3D0%26_126_orderByCol%3Dtype%26_126_orderByType%3Dasc&_126_organizationsSearchContainerPrimaryKeys=26472')]"); Globals.selenium.click("alt=Add User"); Globals.selenium.waitForPageToLoad("30000"); Globals.selenium.type("_126_emailAddress", emailid1); Globals.selenium.type("_126_firstName", fname1); Globals.selenium.type("_126_middleName", "mname"); Globals.selenium.type("_126_lastName", lname1); Globals.selenium.click("//input[@value='Save']"); // Globals.selenium.waitForPageToLoad("30000"); // Globals.selenium.click("link=Sign Out"); } } Step 3:So the above code is working for my project ....
but in this section we see what things need to change for any project and also understand the small concepts
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